
First Blog Post



Hello, world! This is my first blog post, this is really exciting because I now have a place to share my thoughts with the whole world, without distortion and yada yada yada. Everyone always say this in their first blog post and I don't know how to make it different, so here we are. I now have my own space, and I would like to share my knowledge with you, in this blog I will talk about:

  • computers
  • programming
  • and everything tech related

that I find interesting to show you, yes you, the reader, I wouldn't write a blog if weren't by you, so thank you for reading this.


So to kickstart this blog I thought it would be cool to present myself, show what I'm about and what you can expect to read in my other blog posts. I'm a Brazilian software engineering student, Arch Linux user and I really like computers, computer science and software, my goal now is to study linux, shell scripting and java. I'm currently working on my final project for cs50, a website called Rate Me, I will talk more about it in another post, by the way if you're beginner in the arts of programming I really recommend you do this course it will put you on the right track, I should probably talk about it in another post too.

The end

So this was it, I'm not much of a writer yet but I will get better eventually(I hope), in my next blog post I will talk about arch linux so stay tuned, to conclude I want to thank you for reading my first blog post ever, I've invested sometime writing this and it was really fun. See Ya!